Coming in July/August 2024 from Main Street Rag!

A full-length hybrid collection written from a lived and informed perspective utilizing borrowed forms and poetry to depict a downward spiral of a young non-binary speaker who was coerced into marriage at a young age by a predatory man, and how it unfolds.

Names have been redacted and aspects of the story have been fictionalized.

It’s due to be released later this year and will sell for $14 + shipping, but you can get it for $10+ by placing an advance discount order at the MSR Online Bookstore before it goes to press. 

Divorce Garter

Photo by Elwyn Brooks, 2022


Winner of the 2022 Rick Campbell Chapbook Award from Anhinga Press!

This debut chapbook explores the embodiment of queerness within a trans masculine experience in conflict with traditional American feminine socialization.

A micro chapbook from Rinky Dink Press!

An assortment of micro poems on economic collapse and ecological distress released in 2022.